Wednesday, January 30, 2008

'Very first gig ever'

I posted a video of the Patti Spadaro Band performing her composition "Tonight," as I really like the song and captured decent audio of it during her show Friday night at P.D.'s Pub in Squirrel Hill.

During the set's opener, a rendition of the Grateful Dead's "Franklin's Tower," I spent most of the song fiddling with the input controls, trying to get them to record properly. As I result, I pretty much just had the camera pointed at the stage.

I had pushed the record button just as Patti was announcing, "Our very first gig ever," so I figured I might as well post "Franklin's" as a piece of history. I managed to clean up the sound by stripping off the problematic channel, which was full of static, and playing around with the other to give it a little bit of depth.

As far as editing the video, I thought I'd leave it pretty much raw, since I wasn't doing anything with varying camera angles, etc.

I'll tell you that Patti said she had a cold that night, but her guitar playing didn't suffer whatsoever!

Click here to play "Franklin's Tower"

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