Thursday, January 31, 2008

Inspiration Cafe

There's a coffee shop on South Main Street in Washington, the Inspiration Cafe, that is starting to host performers on pretty much of a regular basis. It's not the biggest place but can hold quite a few people to enjoy music and beverages.

Sandee Umbach, who runs the shop - the proceeds benefit WashArts, which has the mission of serving children through free instruction in the arts - sent along a notice about a coming show that merits attention.

I saw Brad Yoder play a couple of years ago, and I can say he's one of the more entertaining performers and talented songwriters in Western Pennsylvania. (I've tried writing even a half-decent song. It's not easy.) He'll be at the Inspiration Cafe this Saturday, Feb. 2, at 7:30 p.m.

Jordan Umbach will open for Brad. I've seen Jordan perform here and there for the past couple of years, and he's developing into quite a singer-songwriter, himself.

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