Donnie Iris has been one of Western Pennsylvania's favorite musical sons for nearly four decades. (I'm sure he doesn't want to be reminded of that, but his first national hit, the Jaggerz' "The Rapper," hit the charts in 1970.)
King Cool (hey, that's the title of his second solo album) sang a couple of his favorites last week as part of the benefit for Washington musician Tony Janflone Jr. His performances were definitely highlights for the capacity crowd at the Rhythm House in South Fayette.
So without further ado, here are "Love Is Like a Rock" and "Ah! Leah!""
I recorded the show with my video camera perched on top of a video game machine, with me staring straight up at the viewer to see what I was capturing. It wasn't the most comfortable of arrangements, but it was effective.

At the Observer-Reporter, we've been experimenting with a video/print series called "What's Up With That?" and we're already up to five episodes. (The work on those helps explain why I haven't been posting on this blog as much as I should.)
This week's installment is titled "Size does matter," which should pique your curiosity right there. Seriously, I'm just starting to learn the art of making videos, but I think this episode turned out well, thanks to the ladies who participated.
So do yourself a favor ... watch "Size does matter."
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